Dr. Sunil Gulia
Senior Scientist, CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Delhi Zonal Centre.
Dr. Sunil Gulia is a Senior Scientist at CSIR-NEERI, Delhi Zonal Lab and has obtained his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering Department at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi and has managed a range of environmental projects throughout his professional career in Government and Private Organizations. With a specialization in Urban Air Quality Management, Dr. Gulia has more than 08 years of experience in research and development studies and consulting in field of Urban and Industrial air pollution management. He has worked extensively on Air Pollution Dispersion Models i.e., CALPUFF, AERMOD, ADMS_ Urban, ISCST3 and CALINE-4. Dr. Gulia also worked in Environment Impact Assessment of large Building Construction project. In addition, Dr. Gulia has authored more than 20 research publications primarily for peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
Area of Interest: Air Pollution Management in Urban, Mining and Industrial area, Indoor Air Quality Management, Vehicular Pollution Management